Moving Beyond Motivation
Confession time, this blog has been up (not running) since 2012. I remember when I decided to start this blog, I was ready to face the world and inspire others. I was excited and motivated and then – nothing and more nothingness! I would love to say I don’t know what happened “life got in the way” but that would be a lie. Plain and simple , I was scared.
Being motivated was not enough to push me beyond my fear point. I even had friends who started their own blogs and YouTube channels try to motivate me and push me to just get started and I still couldn’t bring myself to do it. It is an interesting journey to believing that I can share my stories and inspire others, so what got me to push past my fear and create my first post on this page?
I guess it is no secret as it is the title of this post. I finally decided to move past just being motivated. In my daily life I am very motivated to do great things (you will learn all about them through this blog) however motivation is not enough. Oftentimes, soon after we get the desire to chase after a goal or dream, our minds quickly try to protect us by reminding us of all the times we have failed in the past, all the things we lack, the million reasons it would not work and we listen.
After 8 years of paying for a blog and not having a single post, what pushed me beyond my fear point was a YouTube video (please don’t roll your eyes). It is true, in the video How to use Quantum Physics to Make Your Dreams Your Reality Suzanne Adams simply stated “What if you made achieving your goals Not an option!“
Suzanne shares other inspirational thoughts in this video, however these words resonated with me. I knew I was tired of my excuses and I needed to take action to become the best version of me. That is not a woman who is scared to share her thoughts or live her life truthfully. I shifted my focus and made starting this blog and living my dreams not an option.
Need inspiration to live the life you have always dreamed of? click on the video linked above or here. You can do it, your life is worth it!
Be brave, Natalie!